Friday, 7 October 2011

Fix It Friday–Recipe Folders

Here is the first in hopefully a series of Fix It Friday posts. This week I am focussing on making some adjustments to how I keep my recipes. Earlier this year, I bought this very pretty recipe binder from Typo. Super cute, lots of divider sections, a pocket for loose recipes and takeaway menus and a notepad for writing any special handed down recipes. But as sweet as it looked, it just didn’t work for me.


The problem for me is its size, my kitchen is not large enough to have this folder open while I cook something. Taking the individual sleeves out worked okay but it was annoying to have to pull things in and out. Even when I had it packed away it was still bulky and there was a lot of wasted space because it was not even half full. So I decided I needed a more space friendly solution and preferably something cheaper than my first fairly expensive mistake.


So where does one go when they are looking for cheap knock-offs of pretty stationery and filing solutions? Officeworks of course! I picked up a couple of plain zip style file folders and quickly put them to work.


The files I choose have divider tabs in them so you can still keep everything in easy reference sections. The folder can fold back on itself so it fits perfectly in my recipe book stand and I can add and remove sleeves as needed quickly and easily.


I decided to use 2 separate folders, 1 for Everyday Cooking and 1 for Special Occasions (since my Christmas recipe collection is a little ridiculous). The front of the file also has a clear insert sleeve so I knocked up a couple of cover sheets for them just to pretty them up a bit.


For me, this is the ideal solution because I can add more folders or refill sheets if needed, they take up minimal bench space while they are not being used and sit neatly in the recipe stand when I am using them. The divider tabs keep like dishes grouped together and best of all, they were super cheap!

Recipe File Problem officially fixed!

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