Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Cleaning with my New Best Friend

Cleaning is not my idea of a fun way to pass time and in fact my mother used to say that I suffered from “dishlexia” due to my ability to avoid having anything to do with washing up after dinner. You can only imagine how annoyed she was when Luke and I moved into our first rental home with a dishwasher, she had been hanging onto the promise of me having to wash up eventually once I was living out of home only to have her dreams dashed until we bought a house that did not come with a dishwasher – and no room to install one, yes Karma is indeed a bitch. So when I get excited about any kind of cleaning related product you know it must be good because it either saves time, requires little effort or can do it by itself (when I find something like this I will be sure to let you know).

It must have been a combination of naivety and inexperience that made us decide to lay cream coloured tiles in our house, this was done before kids were even a consideration but we did have Bundy, a black haired Staffy who believes he is human and does not go outside without considerable protest. Adding a toddler into the mix means that vacuuming needs to be done daily and if I was so inclined, mopping would be done at least once a week, but really I couldn’t be bothered.

055 Bundy

Our steam mop decided to go into retirement a couple of weeks ago and I have been debating whether it was worthwhile forking out for another one or to go with the more economical mop and bucket combo. As the floors were getting a little sticky and my hands and knees with a wet wipe efforts were not proving to be very effective I decided to just go to Bunnings and get a mop that would do the job until I was ready to upgrade. After looking at several options, all of which looked much the same I spotted something new and a little bit interesting – the Sabco Freedom Spray Mop, it had an on board bottle that held your cleaning solution with a spray mechanism to put the solution right where you need it. It also came with a second microfibre cleaning pad, which can be cold machine washed and reused. It seemed better than having a messy bucket and smelly mop hiding somewhere in the laundry so I thought I would give it a go.

035 mop

What a little beauty this thing is! I just filled the bottle with some eucalyptus and hot water and sprayed and mopped my way around the floors in very little time indeed. Something I did like about my steam mop was how quickly the floor dried but this was almost as quick, didn’t require any electricity or warm up time and its ready to go whenever I need to mop something up, like under Skye’s high chair, Every. Single. Night. I am hoping that the ease of use and accessibility will make me more likely to keep the floors pristine, but only time will tell how motivating my new friend will be.

Please note, I have not been paid in any way to write this review, I just love to share anything that might make life a little bit easier.

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