Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Rekindling The Motivation

Last week Clever Baker Friend and I attended a networking evening to give us the chance to meet some other local WAHM businesses and of course get the word out about Push Delight canisters. The event consisted of a meet and greet mingle followed by a presentation on marketing and ended with some very generously donated lucky door prizes. Of course no networking evening is worth attending without the promise of sweet treats, thankfully we were greeted by this on arrival – YUMMO!


Once we had all introduced ourselves and depleted the dessert table of everything but the fruit, we settled in for the presentation. I have to admit after spending many long boring hours listening to marketing lectures at Uni, I was not expecting much, but as my education was pre-Facebook/Twitter/Google + (what the?) I was hoping to at least learn some things about how to make social media work for you. So before I go any further, here is a blatant product plug.

hero 3

Almost as soon as the presenter started talking I was frantically taking notes. I realised how stale and forgotten most of my knowledge was and how desperately I needed this refresher course to allow us to grow. The fact is that the rules have changed since I finished my studies, even during my employment in marketing roles a lot of the techniques and principles the presenter was discussing I had never seen implemented. It was exciting. My hand ached from writing as much as I could and I was buzzing with new found motivation.

I may have also been buzzing a little from all the lollies in the goody bags we received…

The best part was that it wasn’t just information that was useful to the business, the presenter focussed on improving your attitude as a whole and the flow on effect that would have on your business. This woman knew what she was talking about, what she was saying resonated with everyone in the room because she was a mother with small children herself. A woman who worked from home (on a much larger scale than most) and knew what it meant to have to juggle work and family commitments and how doing little things like taking time each day to be grateful can help you to stay motivated. The fact that she said she made her time to be grateful while in the loo as it was the only chance she got (loo bloggers unite!) only made her advice more meaningful.

Some of the key things that I came away with from the night were:
  • You need to do some kind of marketing EVERY DAY;
  • Marketing is all about customer service and your relationships – a potential customer has to trust you before they will buy from you;
  • Prompt responses to feedback and enquiries is vital, we live in a NOW society, if you make a potential customer wait, they will spend their money with someone else and most importantly;
  • Everything you do in life has to have purpose. Be it business or personal, if you lose sight of your purpose, you are unlikely to reach your goals
If you are in the Newcastle/Central Coast area and operate a WAHM business, please visit Sweet Little Birdy for information on upcoming networking events.
Since it’s Tuesday, and I’m blogging, I am linking up with iBOT… which is over at My Big Nutshell this week.
Since it’s Tuesday, and I’m blogging, I am linking up with iBOT… which is over at My Big Nutshell this week. If you have a blog and have written something today, please help Gemma test her linking skills in preparation for next week’s extremely important R U OK? day linkup.  

If you would like more information on R U OK? Day, please visit the website to find out more information on how a conversation could save a life.

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