Friday, 9 September 2011

Things I Know About Living Apart

We are about half way through Luke’s contract that has him working away and while there are many things that I prefer having him home for, Skye and I have settled into our own routine pretty well now so this week for Things I Know I am sharing what I know about being married part-time.

  • We get channels that play things other than football
    It’s five hundred versions of Real Housewives of somewhere at our place this week, with the occasional visit to Geordie Shore.
  • A box of Drumsticks last much, much longer when you don’t have to share


  • Our bedroom is no longer a site of chemical warfare
    Monday to Friday I can stretch out across my whole bed and not have to worry about surprise assaults on my sense of smell if I lift the sheets – you all know what I mean
  • The novelty of seeing Skye’s eyes light up when Luke comes home for the weekend will never wear off.


So what have you learned this week? Hop over to Yay For Home to read about all kinds of useful things people have learned recently.


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